The Domino Effect in Writing
Domino is a word used to describe any action or series of actions that cause another thing to happen, much like the way a single domino can tip over hundreds of others. In writing, the phrase is also used to refer to a cascade of events in your story. It’s a useful concept to keep in mind when planning your novel or even just writing an individual scene.
While the word “domino” itself is relatively new, the concept behind it has been around for centuries. The first dominoes were used as a gaming tool in China in the 1300s. They are cousins to playing cards, and each domino bears an arrangement of dots on one side that is identically patterned on the other. These dots, called pips, originally represented the results of rolling two six-sided dice.
The games played with dominoes have a number of variations, but the standard Block and Draw game is very popular. Both of these games are played with a standard set of 28 domino tiles. Other sets of dominoes are used in different parts of the world, and some games may be played with as few as seven tiles.
When playing these games, players place dominoes adjacent to each other until a line of all four corners is completed. The player then has the choice of taking either one or both of the remaining dominoes. The Draw game is similar to the Block game, but players must take a domino from the sleeping area (all the other dominoes) before placing their own. Unlike the Block game, players may pass their turn when they cannot take a domino.
Some of the most impressive domino constructions are seen on television during domino shows, where competitors build amazing structures in front of a live audience. The structures are often incredibly elaborate and can include curved lines, grids that form pictures when they fall, stacked walls, or 3D structures like towers and pyramids. The builders have the skill to create a domino effect with just the slightest nudge.
Just like the structures in domino shows, every element of your story has the potential to impact other aspects in a positive or negative way. For example, if your character makes a poor decision that leads to a crisis, the crisis could have repercussions in both your characters’ personal lives and their work careers. That’s why it’s important to think about how your choices will play out.
The domino effect is a good analogy to use in your writing because it helps you see the connection between actions and consequences. It’s also useful for plotting, because it can help you figure out what will happen next in your story. For example, if your hero does something immoral, you’ll have to provide him with the logic that allows readers to give him a pass or at least continue to like him as their hero. Plotting a book is all about understanding what happens after your hero’s actions and how those affect others.