How Dominoes Can Help You Build Your Identity
Dominoes are a set of tiles similar to dice or playing cards. They can be used to play various games, including blocking and scoring games. They also can be arranged in intricate patterns.
Dominos are made of rectangular pieces divided by a line down the middle, with each end containing a number of spots (pips). Traditional domino sets consist of one tile for every possible combination of numbers from one to six spots. Larger sets are available for games that involve multiple players.
In a game of 5s-and-3s, players try to attach dominoes from their hand to the ends of the other player’s tiles so that their total is divisible by five or three. The player who can first achieve this is the winner.
While most people think of dominoes as a generic gaming device, they have an interesting history. In 1983, Lorne Whitehead, a professor of physics at the University of British Columbia, published an article in the American Journal of Physics that described what he called a “domino ‘chain reaction’.”
The domino effect is based on the simple premise that the energy released by one small domino can knock down another larger one, exponentially. This idea is particularly useful for personal growth and development because it can help you to identify a small, attainable goal that will ultimately lead to bigger, more impactful things happening in your life.
You might be surprised to learn that a similar concept is behind the way you build your identity-based habits. When Jennifer Dukes Lee began making her bed each day, she was committing to the idea that “I am the type of person who maintains a clean and organized home.”
Once she saw that commitment starting to take hold in other areas of her life, she was inspired to continue it. It was a small step in the right direction, but it had a huge impact on her ability to succeed in other aspects of her life.
For example, she noticed that it was easier for her to find things she wanted to buy when she had an organized closet and cupboards. And she was able to find better quality products for her money.
When she started thinking about how her new behavior might change other parts of her life, she came up with a few strategies that would allow her to make a big impact on her health. She began taking yoga classes, eating healthier meals, and exercising more frequently.
Similarly, she also started to make better use of her time by finding ways to work more efficiently. She took a job at a gym, became more disciplined in her morning routine, and made more of an effort to schedule appointments with friends and family.
This all helped her develop a sense of self-worth and confidence in her abilities. It also boosted her morale and encouraged her to stay focused on her goals.
If you want to see what a chain reaction can look like, you might want to start with your own career. For instance, if you’re in the process of building up your professional network, consider joining a professional organization or LinkedIn group that will provide you with resources to help you grow and develop your career.