Problem Gambling
Gambling is a game of chance where people bet on something – it could be a football match, or a scratchcard. Typically, people choose what they want to bet on, and the outcome is determined by odds set by the betting company. If you win, you get money back – if you lose, you don’t.
The main problem with gambling is that it can cause significant harms. It can damage relationships, performance at work or study, leave you in debt and even lead to homelessness.
It’s also a form of addiction that can be difficult to get over. If you have a problem, it’s important to seek help as soon as possible.
If you think that someone you know might be a problem gambler, it’s important to talk to them about their behaviour and ask if they want help. There are a number of different treatment options, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which can help people stop gambling.
Those who have a gambling problem may develop certain irrational beliefs about their luck or strategy. These can include the belief that they are more likely to win than they actually are, or that certain rituals will bring them luck. They can also develop a need to bet more and more money, or to spend more and more time gambling.
A person with a problem gambling problem is at high risk of developing other problems, such as depression and alcohol use. They might also have a low self-esteem and experience a lack of motivation to live their life normally.
These are called behavioural co-morbidities and have a strong relationship with problem gambling. The most common behavioural co-morbidity is depression, with over half of people who have problem gambling also experiencing depression.
It’s also more likely to be a problem in younger people. Over half of those who have problem gambling are under 24 years old, and the average age at which it occurs is around 25.
The term ‘problem gambling’ is sometimes used to describe people who gamble frequently and with large amounts of money, although this term is also associated with other behaviours such as binge drinking. This is why it’s often a good idea to look at the entire range of problems before deciding whether gambling is the right course of action for you.
In terms of treatment, the primary approach is usually to talk through all of the problems with gambling and offer support. However, the extent of support that is offered can vary depending on how severe the gambling problem is and what type of problems it causes.
As well as offering advice, support and treatment, many people who have a gambling problem need help to reduce the amount of money they spend on it. This can include getting advice from a family member or friend, or visiting a support service.
Gambling can cause harm to your body and your mind, so it’s important to talk to someone if you think that it’s a problem. It’s also a good idea to look at other factors that might be contributing to your problems, such as family or social issues.